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易车原创节目Yiche Original
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坦克500真十万公里长测下集 Tank 500 100,000 KM Test For Real Part 2
In the previous episode, if we can attribute the faults and maintenance evaluations of Tank 500 to individual cases, the issues encountered during the dismantling report in this episode cannot be dismissed as exception anymore. After all, the Tank 500 we purchased is a genuine mass-produced vehicle. The engine, gearbox, and body components all come off the same assembly line. Whether the quality meets standards, whether the craftsmanship is conscientious, whether the vehicle structure design is reasonable, and whether the chassis suspension materials are solid-all of these aspects represent the overall assembly and craftsmanship of the Tank models of Great Wall Motors. The domestic six-cylinder twin-turbo engine with 9AT, empowered by advanced mainstream technology. Whether the Tank 500 deserves a recommendation will be determined by dismantling.
Переглядів: 4 762


坦克500真十万公里长测上集 Tank 500 100,000 KM Test For Real Part 1
Переглядів 6 тис.21 день тому
坦克500不仅是个交通工具,拥有强大越野属性的坦克500在很多人眼里更是个好玩的大玩具。既然是“玩”,那就更要经得住折腾了,我们斥资40多万元购买了一辆坦克500,看看能够上山下河的国产中大型豪华越野SUV能否经得住真十万公里长测的各项严苛考验。 Tank 500 is not just a means of transportation; Tank 500, with its powerful off-road capabilities, is seen by many as a fun toy. Since it is considered as a “toy”, it should be capable of enduring rough handling. We invested over 400,000 yuan to purchase a Tank 500, aiming...
极氪009 真十万公里长测首次汇报 ZEEKR 009 First Report, 100,000 KM Test For Real
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
极氪009从提车到行驶1万公里,它的表现到底如何?首轮测试报告来了!你觉得它是不是比埃尔法更好呢?From picking up the car to driving 10,000 kilometers, how does the performance of the ZEEKR 009? The first test report is releasing! Do you think it's better than Alphard?
中国品牌旗舰SUV对决!问界M9 VS 理想L9!Comparison of flagship SUVs of Chinese brands! AITO M9 VS Li L9!
Переглядів 13 тис.Місяць тому
中国品牌 舰SUV对决!问界M9 VS 理想L9!Comparison of flagship SUVs of Chinese brands! AITO M9 VS Li L9!
理想L7 真十万公里长测阶段汇报 100,000 KM Test For Real Interim Report: Li Auto L7
Переглядів 5 тис.2 місяці тому
以往看过《真十万公里长测》的老粉们都知道,为了赶进度,我们整个团队是歇人不歇车。将车辆跑到10万公里后,再跟大家进行汇报。这一季我们玩点儿新的,分别在几个时间节点阶段性的给大家呈现。一同见证10万公里,如何达成!不论是令人唏嘘的缺陷,还是让人惊叹的亮点,都会将每台测试车最真实的状态展现出来,目的就是让小伙伴儿们在掏钱买车前只看我们这一档栏目就能了然于胸。 Have watched "100,000 KM Test For Real" before then you must know that In order to catch up with progress our team may rest but the car never stops. We used to run the car for 100,000 kilometers and then report to you ...
方程豹豹5 对战 坦克400 Hi4-T!Leopard 5 VS Tank 400 Hi4-T!
Переглядів 68 тис.2 місяці тому
本期我们为定位趋同、价格接近、且充满了羁绊情仇的坦克400 Hi4-T和豹5搭建了一个公平的竞争平台。通过续航、油耗、馈电四驱性能、加速、制动、麋鹿、日常驾驶感受、空间配置舒适度、噪音和AEB主动刹车共十大维度,对它们进行全方位考验。究竟谁才是30万级硬派SUV最优解呢?干货满满,不容错过! In this video, we will compare Tank 400 Hi4-T and Leopard 5, which share the same market positioning, are close in price and are always compared together. Through the range, fuel consumption, 4WD performance in the state of power loss, acceleration, ...
中日混动SUV对决!Chinese-made hybrid SUVs vs. Honda CR-V e:PHEV!
Переглядів 31 тис.6 місяців тому
前段时间为兄弟们测了国产混动SUV四大天王,可大家说四大天王其实有五个,枭龙MAX只能排第六!那本期我们就把编外的两大天王零跑C11和比亚迪宋PRO DM-i拉上,与王者宋PLUS进行同场PK。不仅如此,我们还找来了本田CR-V e:PHEV,看看中日混动技术谁更强!内容劲爆干货满满,期待大家多多支持啦! A while ago, we tested four of the top Chinese-made hybrid SUVs, but you insist there are 5 and Fierce Dragon MAX is sixth at best! In this episode, we invite the other two: Leapmotor-C11 and BYD Song PRO DM-i. They will battle the king-like S...
Li L9 disassembly in 100,000 KM Test For Real!
Переглядів 28 тис.7 місяців тому
理想L9新的1.5升增程器还会不会像之前理想ONE的那台1.2T增程器一样出现各种渗油以及严重积碳的情况?蒙皮材质上的铝和钢究竟怎样配比才算合理?到底多坚固的车身才能让其顺利拿下“五星收割机”的称号?总之,上集故障百出的理想L9,在之后的拆解中能否顺利扳回一城呢?本集L9真十万公里长测拆解汇报,我们就以上问题逐一揭晓答案。干货满满,不容错过。 Will the new 1.5T range extender of Li Auto L9 have the same oil seepage and carbon buildup as the 1.2T range extender of Li Auto ONE? What is the right ratio of aluminum to steel in paneling? What kind of body is strong eno...
Here's Li Auto L9's 100,000 KM Test for Real!
Переглядів 24 тис.7 місяців тому
本期是理想L9的专场,作为销冠的它,目前在市场上拥有极高的热度。但是,它真的完美吗?答案是否定的。我们用2000多字总结了它行驶10万公里出现的各种五花八门的故障。比如新车时转向助力就失效了。正常行驶中水温传感器突然坏了,导致增程器报出故障码。再比如通电停驶,电量耗尽趴窝了,等等问题。简而言之就是,只有你想不到的,没有它坏不了的。这高销量的背后,到底还有多少问题是理想的工程师们需要解决的。如果您最近正在关注理想L9,或者打算购买L9,那不妨看看我们的本次真十万公里长测后再做定论。 This episode belongs to Li Auto L9. Being a top seller, it is extremely popular in the market. But... Is it really perfect? The answer is no. We have summ...
纯电跨界SUV混战!现在的电动车还会趴窝?Battle of the Electric SUVs! Even Now There're EVs With Sudden Stops?
Переглядів 8 тис.7 місяців тому
本期《易车横评》聚集了时下最热门的四款纯电跨界SUV进行对比,极氪X、smart精灵#3、小鹏G6和别克E4将在易车金港赛道进行同场竞技,四台车将在基础性能、赛道圈速、续航充电、智能驾驶、安全辅助、空间舒适度等一系列测试科目中,受到全面考察。本期内容爆点满满,有人圈速秒杀土屋驾驶的影豹R,也有人续航测试突然趴窝!期待大家的三连支持! This time, Yiche Car Test brings together four of the hottest electric SUVs for comparison. ZEEKR X, smart #3, XPENG G6 and Buick Electra E4 will compete at the Yiche Goldenport Circuit. They will be tested in a series of test su...
真十万公里长测 丰田赛那 起亚嘉华(下集) 100,000 KM Test For Real: Toyota Sienna Versus Kia Carnival(2/2)
Переглядів 25 тис.9 місяців тому
要不说丰田的良心是建立在刚刚够用的成本规划上的,五个支架只有三个有涂层、废布毡和沥青止震胶重见天日…… 起亚嘉华发动机的设计用料确实很厚道,但它的进气道积碳堆积满满当当,这是留给我们挖宝呢?除了积碳,起亚嘉华还在车尾给我们留了个大“惊喜”…… Toyota's generosity is only evident in the merely adequate cost planning. Of the five mounts, only three are coated. The waste cloth felt and asphalt trap paste reappear... Kia Carnival indeed generous with its engine's materials, but it has too much intake of carbon residue...
真十万公里长测 丰田赛那 起亚嘉华(上集)100,000 KM Test For Real: Toyota Sienna Versus Kia Carnival(1/2)
Переглядів 17 тис.9 місяців тому
丰田赛那的加价是老传统了,比对手贵出几万元的落地价格能不能在十万公里内依靠低廉的使用成本抹平,我们也有了答案,那就是根本不行!至于使用层面上的问题,这俩是半斤八两,具体什么情况,节目中有详细说明。 Price increases are a tradition for the Toyota Sienna. Can its actual selling price, which is tens of thousands of RMB more expensive than that of its rival, be offset within 100,000 km by its low cost of use? We have the answer: No! As for problems during use, these two are pretty much the same. ...
XPENG P5 Versus Aion S: A Disassembly After 100,000 km Driving!
Переглядів 4,1 тис.9 місяців тому
拆解之后小鹏惊现服务漏洞,事故维修不彻底,留个损坏零件忽悠谁?埃安油改电平台制约电池设计,车底的鸭子船究竟是谁的妥协? After being disassembled, XPENG has a surprising servicing bug! Incomplete repairs after an accident... Why are there still damaged parts here? The power battery design of the Aion, originally an ICE car, was constrained. Who exactly compromised this boat-like shape under Aion S?
100,000 KM Test For Real: XPENG P5 Versus Aion S. Which EV would you buy for under 200,000 RMB?
Переглядів 2,7 тис.9 місяців тому
100,000 KM Test For Real: XPENG P5 Versus Aion S. Which EV would you buy for under 200,000 RMB?
911 GT3 RS 新老对比 全网首测!The First Comparison You Can See Between the New and Old 911 GT3 RS!
Переглядів 18 тис.9 місяців тому
911 GT3 RS 新老对比 全网首测!The First Comparison You Can See Between the New and Old 911 GT3 RS!
红旗文成没去成东京,为什么?Hongqi Wencheng Didn’t Go to Tokyo Auto Salon, Why?
Переглядів 2 тис.9 місяців тому
红 文成没去成东京,为什么?Hongqi Wencheng Didn’t Go to Tokyo Auto Salon, Why?
全面横评国产混动SUV四大天王!Comprehensive Comparison Test for the Best Four Hybrid SUVs Made in China!
Переглядів 37 тис.9 місяців тому
全面横评国产混动SUV四大天王!Comprehensive Comparison Test for the Best Four Hybrid SUVs Made in China!
谁硬件拉满,谁装配拉胯,蔚来ET7对拆智己L7Disassembling NIO ET7 and IM L7 which is the winner in hardware and assembly?
Переглядів 13 тис.9 місяців тому
谁硬件拉满,谁装配拉胯,蔚来ET7对拆智己L7Disassembling NIO ET7 and IM L7 which is the winner in hardware and assembly?
蔚来ET7/智己L7十万公里长测故障频发!NIO ET7 and IM L7: Frequent Failures in the 100,000 KM Test!
Переглядів 18 тис.10 місяців тому
蔚来ET7/智己L7十万公里长测故障频发!NIO ET7 and IM L7: Frequent Failures in the 100,000 KM Test!
真十万公里长测 五菱宏光S 东风风光330 拆解 Yiche 100,000 KM Test For Real: Disassembling Hongguang S and Fengguang 330
Переглядів 11 тис.10 місяців тому
真十万公里长测 五菱宏光S 东风风光330 拆解 Yiche 100,000 KM Test For Real: Disassembling Hongguang S and Fengguang 330
五菱宏光S 东风风光330 真十万公里长测 Yiche 100,000 KM Test For Real: Dongfeng Fengguang 330S Wuling Hongguang S
Переглядів 18 тис.10 місяців тому
五菱宏光S 东风风光330 真十万公里长测 Yiche 100,000 KM Test For Real: Dongfeng Fengguang 330S Wuling Hongguang S
不要告诉我妈妈我来参加这个比赛。Don't tell my mom I'm here.
Переглядів 1,7 тис.10 місяців тому
不要告诉我妈妈我来参加这个比赛。Don't tell my mom I'm here.
拆解见真章,宝马X3对拆雷克萨斯NX350h The Truth Is in the Disassembly… BMW X3 Versus Lexus NX 350h
Переглядів 88 тис.10 місяців тому
拆解见真章,宝马X3对拆雷克萨斯NX350h The Truth Is in the Disassembly… BMW X3 Versus Lexus NX 350h
真十万公里长测正式回归!宝马X3对比雷克萨斯NX!Yiche 100,000 KM Test for Real Is Back!
Переглядів 42 тис.10 місяців тому
真十万公里长测正式回归!宝马X3对比雷克萨斯NX!Yiche 100,000 KM Test for Real Is Back!
918和GT2 RS 圈速全网首测 First Video to Test Lap Speeds of 918 and GT2 RS
Переглядів 2,2 тис.10 місяців тому
918和GT2 RS 圈速全网首测 First Video to Test Lap Speeds of 918 and GT2 RS
手动两门跑车的最后绝唱?86&BRZ终焉之战Are They the Last of the Manual Coupes? The Final Battle Between 86 and BRZ...
Переглядів 8 тис.10 місяців тому
手动两门跑车的最后绝唱?86&BRZ终焉之战Are They the Last of the Manual Coupes? The Final Battle Between 86 and BRZ...
这款MPV凭什么能卖到月销过万?What Makes This MPV Monthly Sales Over 10,000?The First 100,000 KM Test for Real!
Переглядів 13 тис.Рік тому
这款MPV凭什么能卖到月销过万?What Makes This MPV Monthly Sales Over 10,000?The First 100,000 KM Test for Real!
星途瑶光PK星越L!“40万内最强“对决“一个打十个”?EXEED Yaoguang Versus Geely Xingyue L!
Переглядів 16 тис.Рік тому
星途瑶光PK星越L!“40万内最强“对决“一个打十个”?EXEED Yaoguang Versus Geely Xingyue L!


  • @user-ze9ot9rw3l
    @user-ze9ot9rw3l 8 годин тому


  • @shitbgarne
    @shitbgarne День тому


  • @chenermao6161
    @chenermao6161 День тому


  • @shitbgarne
    @shitbgarne День тому


  • @TheStephenimage
    @TheStephenimage День тому


  • @user-jf3lj1pb3x
    @user-jf3lj1pb3x День тому


  • @user-jf3lj1pb3x
    @user-jf3lj1pb3x День тому


  • @ugpee
    @ugpee 2 дні тому


  • @dandandan3515
    @dandandan3515 2 дні тому


  • @Mailme81
    @Mailme81 2 дні тому

    You can see BYD making more power at finish line despite slower time, just hampered by extra weight but would feel more impressive. Surprised it does so well and is the best looking car in my opinion. And the braking test - its the heaviest car - and pulls up the quickest. This shows you the quality, overall approach to this car.. incredible!

  • @yoichinikka5274
    @yoichinikka5274 2 дні тому

    評論員應該演喜劇片, 太浪費人才了

  • @nimix3338
    @nimix3338 2 дні тому


  • @TheCreatorhascome
    @TheCreatorhascome 2 дні тому


  • @JzE9mKFJ
    @JzE9mKFJ 3 дні тому


  • @cctv.com1
    @cctv.com1 3 дні тому


  • @leonlh1907
    @leonlh1907 4 дні тому


  • @shitbgarne
    @shitbgarne 4 дні тому


  • @gancuimian
    @gancuimian 4 дні тому


  • @user-lb3px3jq6z
    @user-lb3px3jq6z 4 дні тому

    有价没车。 忽悠!

  • @user-hm6zg4sc1l
    @user-hm6zg4sc1l 4 дні тому


  • @jimsabinayt-px2um
    @jimsabinayt-px2um 4 дні тому

    小胡同学 衣服着装可以再cool一些 这么有助视频播放吧 毕竟这车女性观众多的说

  • @eguchiyosuke4170
    @eguchiyosuke4170 4 дні тому


  • @user-ic7sk4nq2i
    @user-ic7sk4nq2i 4 дні тому

    碰撞费用 报销公司都可以赔啊 看来gl8还是厚实

  • @ipconfiger
    @ipconfiger 5 днів тому


  • @user-ck3hr7fn6z
    @user-ck3hr7fn6z 5 днів тому


  • @MrBrassmusicsun
    @MrBrassmusicsun 5 днів тому


  • @YSBL1st
    @YSBL1st 5 днів тому


  • @josephguo6256
    @josephguo6256 5 днів тому


  • @ahmadahmal2942
    @ahmadahmal2942 5 днів тому

    Awesome video, never seen this much detailed review for a car... I will post again what i said in part one. Tank 500 is very reliable car, i mean 100,000 km and only some minor issues while having 2 accidents. for example compared to German made cars the Tank 500 is way better. Normally german cars at 60k to 70k tend to start breaking, like oil leaks, Many engine components in German cars here in europe, are made of cheap plastic: termostat housing, Intake manifold, valve covers, water pump all made of cheap plastic and after like 70k km they start cracking and breaking apart resulting in oil leaks and engine failure. Here in europe they became a meme: "when you see oil stain on a empty parking lot that means a german car was there".

  • @user-yf4so7ho6h
    @user-yf4so7ho6h 5 днів тому


  • @Shane3Gs
    @Shane3Gs 6 днів тому

    BMW 沒買到Mpower只隔靴搔癢,真的不如買Lexus

  • @ahmadahmal2942
    @ahmadahmal2942 6 днів тому

    Very very nice detailed video! And i must say the Tank 500 is very reliable car, i mean 100,000 km and only some minor issues while having 2 accidents. for example compared to German made cars the Tank 500 is better. Normally german cars at 60k to 70k tend to start breaking, like oil leaks, for example: here in europe they became a meme when you see oil stain on a empty parking lot that means a german car was there 😆 Many engine components in German cars here in europe, are made of cheap plastic: termostat housing, Intake manifold, valve covers, water pump all made of cheap plastic and after like 70k km they start cracking and breaking apart resulting in oil leaks and engine failure.

  • @user-pj6us7qk4q
    @user-pj6us7qk4q 6 днів тому


  • @cunruilee764
    @cunruilee764 7 днів тому


  • @victorpang2409
    @victorpang2409 8 днів тому


  • @user-sw2oj9dv6y
    @user-sw2oj9dv6y 8 днів тому


  • @user-wg3jd6dd7n
    @user-wg3jd6dd7n 9 днів тому

    你 他都跑不贏叫車手! 🧹的吧?

  • @frankwang4555
    @frankwang4555 9 днів тому


  • @jujubezhu
    @jujubezhu 9 днів тому


  • @litewavve
    @litewavve 9 днів тому


  • @user-dm6nw8jc6m
    @user-dm6nw8jc6m 10 днів тому


  • @s870255
    @s870255 10 днів тому


  • @s870255
    @s870255 10 днів тому


  • @rain-nf4qh
    @rain-nf4qh 10 днів тому


    • @rhythmicsecrets
      @rhythmicsecrets 4 дні тому

      I understood this from what you said. If BYD's battery fails one day, will the car go to waste? And sincerely, as someone living in China, which SUV would you recommend buying? I have a budget of 40000 USD. 92 gasoline is my priority.

    • @rain-nf4qh
      @rain-nf4qh 4 дні тому


  • @user-dg2sj6ml9h
    @user-dg2sj6ml9h 10 днів тому


  • @longsanchong7620
    @longsanchong7620 11 днів тому


    • @longsanchong7620
      @longsanchong7620 11 днів тому

      吸取他人的高枝經驗精盡本身的品質,謙虛接受反省已不足之處如此才能日渐进精造福人群為国爭光。 23:03

  • @chinyang77bigboy
    @chinyang77bigboy 11 днів тому


  • @rgiu1
    @rgiu1 11 днів тому


  • @dishang695
    @dishang695 11 днів тому


  • @paperflight5803
    @paperflight5803 11 днів тому
